{% assign slug = 'Global' | Page:'Path' %} {% if slug contains 'creencias' %} {{ 'https://gracechurch.us/creencias?locale=es' | PageRedirect }} {% endif %}
Beliefs & Values

What We Believe About...


We believe there is only one true God who is eternal, all-powerful, all-knowing, just and loving. We believe that God purposefully created the world and is personally engaged in the lives of human beings.


We believe that God entered the world in human form in the person of Jesus Christ; Jesus Christ is both fully human and completely God. Jesus alone reconciled us with God, revealed God’s character and inaugurated God’s Kingdom.


We believe that God’s kingdom is the sum of His purposes and hopes for this world. The Kingdom is realized as Christ’s disciples commit themselves to His mission. We anticipate a future time when Jesus will return to complete the mission of God on earth.


We believe that every person is uniquely created in the image of God but, through sinful disobedience, is broken and has alienated themselves from God, others and the creation. The result is that every person is in need of healing and reconciliation.


We believe that through faith in Jesus’ life, death and resurrection our sinful disobedience is forgiven and that through repentance and surrender to God we are reconciled to him for this life and eternity.

Holy Spirit

We believe that the Holy Spirit is God’s indwelling presence: the source of power, guidance, and conviction in the life of a follower of Christ.

The Church

We believe the Church is the universal community of all Christ-followers. The Church finds its best expression in unique, local communities of Christ-followers united for the purpose of evidencing the values of the Kingdom of God in the world.

The Bible

We believe that the Bible was written by human authors under the supernatural inspiration of God and is our authority for all matters of faith and practice.


We believe baptism is a public way to profess your faith around your community. The act of baptism is a picture of what happens to you spiritually when you make the decision to follow Jesus; by being completely submerged and rising out of the waters, you are proclaiming your new life with Christ. Learn more.

Six Broken Places of Our World

We believe that God is calling us as a church, and you as an individual to begin to heal the six broken places of our world.



Human beings’ bodies, minds, and spirits are broken.

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Separation from God

This is the first broken place and the source of all the rest. Human beings are alienated from our Creator and lost.

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Human beings alienate and dehumanize each other resulting in discrimination, racism, war, and genocide.

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Physical creation is deteriorating and “groaning” because of abuse and neglect by human beings.

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Injustice abounds everywhere resulting in systems of poverty, hunger, disease, and slavery among others.

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Human beings are alone and lacking love in our world.

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You were created by God on purpose, for a purpose

7 Values of Grace Church

It's Not About Me

We will model the self-giving love of Jesus by considering others as better than ourselves, setting ourselves aside, and practicing genuine humility (Philippians 2:1-11).

We Make Room

We will become a spiritual family that doesn’t look the same, think the same, talk the same, or have the same age or abilities. We will invite one another into full love and participation in the diverse and inclusive kingdom of God (Ephesians 4:1-16).

We Go There

We are in a humble pursuit of truth together. We will be a safe community to ask hard questions. We won’t be afraid to wrestle with uncomfortable topics and we will listen intently to the Spirit’s voice and dive deep into Scripture to make decisions for our church (2 Timothy 4:1-5).

Live Life to the Fullest

We love to laugh, celebrate, and have fun because we have been given so much by our Savior. We will overflow with joy, gratitude, and generosity into the lives of those around us (Romans 15:13).

Put Me In, Coach

We will not sit on the sidelines when God’s Spirit is moving. We are activistic, engaged, and passionate about using our gifts and resources to heal this broken world in Jesus’ name (Ephesians 2:10).

Bring Your Own Bible

We will dive deep into Scripture and avoid shallow answers. We pursue biblical theology, we value lifelong discipleship, and we equip our people to explore God’s Word on their own (2 Timothy 3:14-17).


We will not be ground into dust by this life. We long to be continuously refreshed by Jesus, to pursue what makes us healthy, and to practice the spiritual disciplines of solitude, silence, and Sabbath rest (Matthew 11:28-29).  


We're here to help. Contact us anytime with your questions.
