Our next baptism services are on Sunday, May 4, 2025.
Our next baptism class is Sunday, April 27.


What is Baptism?

We believe baptism is a person's way of publicly declaring their intent to follow Jesus- and that life change deserves great celebration!

Declare Your Faith to the WorldWhy be baptized?

Baptism shows friends, family, and your church family that you’ve decided to surrender your life and follow Jesus. Galatians 3:26-27 says that you have “clothed yourself in Christ” through baptism, and through your faith you a child of God!

Jesus instructs us to be baptized (Matthew 28:19-20) and surrender our lives to follow Him. Anyone who has surrendered their lives to Christ is ready to be baptized!

If you’ve never been baptized, getting baptized may be your next step in your discipleship journey!

Our next baptism service is Sunday, May 4, 2025. Participants should plan to attend a class on April 27.


Baptism FAQs

Already Baptized?Here's what's next...

If you’ve already publicly proclaimed your faith in Jesus, your next step is either joining a group to be in community with other followers of Christ, or to begin serving your church family through volunteering. 

Reach Out to Get Connected

Share Your Story

Tell us how Jesus has changed your life! We want to celebrate and encourage others with your story!