Devotions Jesus Is Waiting


To this day, the adulteress woman in the Bible is one of my favorite stories. It’s not because her story is a plot-twist that would intrigue the every day person. It’s also not because she is a woman. The adulteress woman is one of my favorite stories for the fact that you see Jesus’ grace firsthand. It’s one of those moments where you step back and realize that his love and grace for us extends for forever.  

When I walk through the gates of heaven, I want to ask Jesus what he wrote in the sand. I want to meet that woman and ask her how she felt after that defining moment in her life. I also want to ask what she did right after that moment. Did she run off and tell others what she had experienced? Did she kiss Jesus? While we all may not know what happened, we do know that, “Jesus meets us at our times of need and transforms us.”

Jesus is so fascinating. I think of how perfect he is and what he went through to give us everlasting life. When Dave started off his message, I was touched. This Jesus – he was so holy, yet he died on a cross to make sure that we could be reunited with him one day. He was raised from his death and yet, with how epic the event was - he didn’t make it epic.

I immediately think of men and women in my life who live for the “epic moments.” They have little, yet they live life so large. They want others to think something of them that actually isn’t them at all. Then, I think of the very special people in my life who have so much. God has blessed them with riches and yet no one would know. They’ve given many of their resources to build communities overseas, provide missionaries with expensive resources, and also serve on multiple boards to support the gift of life. Yet, when you look at these individuals, you would have no idea. They may not have an outward “epic” life, but they epically spend their life glorifying God.

When I think of living a life for Jesus, I think of the word “humility.” Jesus was humble. While he rose from the dead, which is quite unbelievable, he didn’t ask for the New York Times to cover his life for the front-page news. He also didn’t suggest to his disciples how they should have a huge “coming back” party with all of the surrounding towns. Instead, he made his re-appearance so intimate and special with those who truly loved him.

While listening to Dave preach and thinking about those special people in my life, I was immediately challenged. How is it that we tend to make the good deeds in life a huge spectacle when Jesus was apart of the biggest even in history and he chose to make things quiet? WOAH. I think we all can be challenged by that thought.

How many times a day do we see famous athletes and Hollywood individuals on the front of magazines headlining how they gave millions to a specific charity? A LOT. These people want to be known for how generous they are. Since when did highlighting our good deeds become more like Jesus?

When Dave spoke of Mary Magdalene, I honestly was a little taken back. I’ve grown up and have read the Bible ever since I was a child and I realized that I had never paid attention to how she first met Jesus. If you haven’t heard the sermon, I suggest you go back in the archives and put on your headphones. The first time Mary Magdalene met Jesus - she wasn’t at her best. On the contrary, she was at her absolute worst. She was single, childless, and a woman. Back in the day – she was the epitome of someone worth nothing. She also suffered from demonic possession. Needless to say, this lady was out of her mind. She was a mess until Jesus met her, healed her, and gave her back her lost life.

During Jesus’ trials, many people who previously followed Jesus left him. They denied him and rebuked him. Mary Magdalene didn’t. She stuck by Jesus through every beating, bad word, and the ultimate torture of him being nailed to the cross. Essentially, as Dave said, Mary Magdalene was glued to Jesus.

After sitting outside of the tomb knowing Jesus was inside, Mary Magdalene eventually left on the Sabbath to prepare something for him. After coming back and realizing the tomb was rolled away, she wept. She loved Jesus and was broken. Through that brokenness, Jesus met her again. Two pivotal moments in Mary Magdalene’s life were changed by Jesus extending his hand and transforming her life.

All throughout the Bible we witness Jesus changing lives and performing miracles. Just as Jesus met the adulteress woman and the lame man, Jesus can meet you and me. Even if you have accepted Jesus as Savior, there will still be pivotal moments in your life that Jesus will meet you and teach you something.

As Dave said, Jesus doesn’t play hide-and-seek with us. He doesn’t wait for us to accept his friend request. Jesus meets us in small and large ways to show that he is always near. When you were formed in your womb, Jesus was there. When you took your first step, Jesus was there. When you started school, Jesus was there. When you began your first job, Jesus was there. When you experienced your first heartbreak, Jesus was there. When you went through a divorce, Jesus was there. When you watched one of your parents pass away, Jesus was there.

He’s been there all along and he will continue his great pursuit till the day you die. Whether you’re reading this post waiting for the doctor to come back in the room or maybe you’re having a bad day at work – Jesus is with you.

Revelations 3:20 reads: “ Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.”

My question is, “Will you be answering the door?


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