Identity & Purpose A Mother's Love

By Leah McClain

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

John 3:16


Mother. The name alone brings forth a wealth of emotions. Perhaps you didn’t have the kind of mother you felt you wanted or needed. Maybe your mother could do no wrong in your eyes. Perhaps your mother wasn’t part of your life at all. No matter the relationship, a commonality we all share is that our mothers gave us life.  


Although there are exceptions, mothers instinctively love, nurture and safeguard their children. We can even see this in the animal kingdom as a mother bear guards her cubs or a goose chases away anyone near her precious eggs.


A mother’s love is both strong and tender, and they long to see their children happy and thriving. Their heart’s desire is to step in and protect, but a wise mother also knows when to say “no” and when to let her child feel the painful consequence of a decision he has made. In this same way, our heavenly father loves his children and hears their petitions. He sometimes answers us with a “no” and often times He too, allows us to feel the pain of the consequences of our choices.  


Mothers have a God-given tenderness and an instinctive, fierce, and profound love for their children. They are our first teachers of love and life, and they work each day to shape our character.


As a child of the 60’s, I remember riding in the family car that didn’t come equipped with seatbelts. Back then, parents didn’t think twice about letting their children ride up front in the passenger seat. I vividly recall a time when I was four years old and was doing just that. My mother was driving and a truck suddenly pulled in front of us. My mom had to slam on her brakes to avoid a collision, and as she did, her right arm shot out across my small body like a steel beam, and she moved her body in front of mine in one fluid, rapid-fire maneuver. Even without a seatbelt, I wasn’t going anywhere. When I was in high school, a similar incident happened and my mom’s arm again shot across my body in a motion of protection. We both laughed as I assured her I was safely buckled in and fine. She said, “I can’t help it– it’s just a natural instinct.” My mom, never one to miss a teachable moment, told me that God gave mothers maternal instinct so that His love for us would be magnified. A mother’s love, she said, is beyond measure, but the closest comparison is God’s sacrificial love. Years later, as a mother myself, I found her words rang true. I love my sons more mere words can ever tell.


Nothing hurts a mother more than seeing one of her children hurting, and if we could, we would gladly switch places and take their pain upon us. Mothers have a love so great and deep that they would readily die for the children they so love. As we honor our mothers and the life they gave us, let us also remember that Christ did step in to take our place and He offers us a life that is eternal. If you have not asked Jesus to be Lord of your life, won’t you do so today?


Prayer for today: “Lord, thank you for our mothers and their enduring love. Help us to see your character through their lives, and for loving us enough to take our place. Amen.”


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